Monday, April 02, 2007

So Behind - Once Again

I am so behind on Peter's blog but I just uploaded more photos of him on our 365 Project. He is now 19 months old, don't ask me how that happened. He is walking, talking, and being a goof all of the time. We have lost track of how many words he knows. He carries on long conversations, but you can only understand half of what he is saying.

At his 18 month appt., he was 27.5 lbs and 32.5 inches long. All was looking good. His find motor is slightly delayed still but he is definitely doing all the stuff he really needs to be doing. His balance is off a bit.

The is no question that he is all boy. He is a rough and tumble boy. His daycare tells us that he is honorary. He even has a girl that he hangs out with. The other day when they were getting ready for nap, he laid right down for that girl, she put the blanket on him and patted his back until he was asleep. Mind you she is only 2 months younger then him. He is so his father.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ah, don't we love our boys? Owen is getting ornery, too. Keeps thing interesting, that's for sure!