Sunday, June 25, 2006

Eating Grass

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingTonight, Rob and I planted our two trees that we got during the Spring.  One is an Alberta Spruce and the other, my Mother's Day present, is a Japanese Maple.  While doing pictures with Peter and the trees, he discovered there is something new to eat in the yard!  Grass! 

Peter Cooling Off

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingToday was over 90 degrees.  Rob and Peter found a great way to make Peter happy!  They played with the fan.  I came down from studying and found them giggling and walking towards the fan and falling backwards.  We thought we would share the fun with you.  Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day at the Ball Park

We spent Father's Day at Safeco Field watching the Mariner's Game. They won 5 to 1 against the Giants. Melissa, Blake, Sydney, Noel, Christy, and Ted all joined us for the trip on the train and the game. It was lots of fun but Peter did not like the loud noise of the cheering. That could have been beacuase he did not take a nap all day until he was in the stroller once the game ended. We had a great day with great friends and some great dads.

Peter's Nap

Yesterday, I called Rob while I was at work and he told me that Peter had fallen asleep on the floor with his toy. My first question was, "Is he sick?" then, "Did he knock himself out with the gym?" Both answers were no, the right answer was he played himself to sleep. As you can tell, he was a very busy boy. He even slept like this for an hour.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Day at the Zoo

Today was Peter's first time at the zoo. I took my Kindergartners to the zoo and Rob and Peter joined us. They joined my group of three boys so I was completely out numbered. We had a great time. Peter enjoyed the interactions with my students.