Monday, November 13, 2006


Our findings from the allergist are a nightmare. Peter came up allergic slightly to dairy (so he thinks he will grow out of it), cat dander, dest mites, and WHEAT!! We did not see the that coming. He did not find him to be allergic to soy.

Our game plan is to cut out wheat for the rest of this week and then this weekend let him have his usual amount. Then see what happens. The doctor does not think the wheat is going to be so much of an issue. We are just going to have to limit it more.

I had a break down about it and then went shopping. We did pretty well at Fred Meyer's (our local Kroger store) and got him rice bread, gluten free cookies, gluten free crackers, etc. Then I made him fried chicken without any dairy or wheat. He loved it. We will just try this out and then hopefully just do a limited amount of dairy.

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