Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Allergist Appt.

Peter had an allergist appt. yesterday. We know that wheat is still an issue so we did not test him on that at all. We did test his milk allergy and he no longer shows a milk allergy with the scratch test. That is great news. We are not sure when we are going to start challenging the milk in his diet, especially with the start of school right now, but we will do it soon.

Peter also had his first experience with a scale that you stand on. He loved to bounce on it. The nurse finally gave him a sticker to play with and got his weight. Peter is now a square. He is as heavy as he is tall: 35.5 inches tall and 35.5 lbs.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

a square, huh? that's pretty funny! i'm rotflmbo at that one, though it makes perfect sense. i wonder how many other times in his life he'll be a square?