Tuesday, February 06, 2007


We had a very busy weekend. Peter and I went to Bellevue to go visit my aunt and her grandchildren. My aunt was visiting from Virginia and my cousins now live here but I had not seen them yet. The girls, Kindergarten and 4th grade ages, had a great time with Peter and by the end they where tickle attacking him and he was rolling on the floor laughing.

On Sunday, Peter was exhausted and quite upset at the two molars that are trying to cut in. He took 2x2 hour naps. He loved playing with Noel and Christy and showing them that he really can walk. That evening he was a stinker for Rob getting him down but finally went down and boy did he sleep, he slept all the way until 5am. I did not sleep because I kept worrying about if my baby was dead or not. When he did come to our bed he was wide awake but all cuddly and was putting his arm around me. It was just too cute.

Well, last night I knew that the sleep thing would not happen again. At midnight, Rob said that he thought he heard Peter. I got up to check on him, he was sitting in his doorway staring up at me like isn't time to go to your bed now? I slept much better though.

This boy's sleeping is just crazy!

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