Friday, January 27, 2006

More Earthlink Former Posts

7/3/05 - 31 weeks - Rob and I decided that we needed a get away, a last vacation without Peter in our arms and to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. We went to Whistler, B.C. for a long weekend. We enjoyed shopping, strolling around the upper and lower villages, watching mtn. biking, riding the gondola to the peak of Whistler, and eating great food. Sometime between Friday and Saturday, I suddenly looked very pregnant which you will start to notice in the belly pic that will show up on the front page soon. Peter made sure that he was not forgotten though, especially Sunday morning, as he made my body feel like it was in an earthquake and made my belly lumpy as he pushed up on it.

5/29/05 - Rob and I went shopping yesterday and picked out a glider rocker with ottoman at Costco Home and a table and chairs at the Old Cannery. Lisa and I went to get the glider rocker today. Rob and I put together the glider and now Rob is really enjoying the chair. It will be very useful in our room for late night feedings once the baby comes. Tomorrow we will get the table and chairs.

Daybed in nursery.
5/1/05 - I was bad, I painted. Rob and I couldn't figure out how to make a seaweed stencil, so I decided to paint free hand. It was quick and a lot of fun. We spent Sunday stencinling and stamping ocean stuff. It looks amazing and has really dressed up the room. We made the bed with the pillow cases to match the bedskirt for the baby. I can't wait see how it looks when everything is in once my parents come up and bring the crib.

4/8/05 - Week 19 - The Big Ultrasound. It's a boy!!! The first thing that we saw when the nurse started the ultrasound was his little "Boy Part". Otherwise he was trying to hide by facing my spine and standing on my bladder. He finally did move a little and we got to see a little of his head, his heart and it's 4 chambers, and a lot of his legs. We now know that our little one is Peter or as my mother calls him "Pajama Boy".

Week 17 - Friday night, while driving into Sandy, I started to feel a little tickle in my belly. Week 18 - Thursday night at a training at school, I felt 3 kicks or movements. Week 19 - I now feel movement everyday. Our baby is defintely active throughout the day.

2/11/05 - 11w 2d - 3rd Ultrasound. I think I am a jungle gym. The baby was using me as a bounce house to flip every which way. It was so funny to see our baby so active. The ultrasound said that everything is going well for the baby.

January - Grandpa Felix passed away on New Years morning. It was very difficult but I think the baby also gave us hope about the future. We went back down for the funeral the next week. On our way home, Rob came up with the name Carlie if we have a daughter. The name comes from Grandpa's middle name Charles. I also found out during the funeral that Grandpa's birthday is a few days before my due date. The circle of life truly came to me with this situation and I think has helped the healing process.
This month was also hard because I had some spotting at 7 weeks to 8 weeks. It allowed us the opportunity to see our baby for the first time. We saw the baby at 7w 5d and 8w 2d.

December - We first found out that I was pregnant while we were staying in California with my parent's right before Christmas. I took the test at 3am because I had indegestian and could not sleep. When I found out, I woke up Rob immediately and then neither one of us could sleep until an afternoon nap. I then kept my mouth shut to my father but told my mother right away at 6 am. Then told dad when he got home from work.
On Christmas day we told Rob's immediate family. They were very excited and told us that they expected it within two years, we just decided a little sooner. During this time, Grandpa Felix was battling cancer and was not doing veyr well. We told him the next day. He understood more the day after which meant a lot to us. We know he understood because he asked when I was due. My hope during the whole time of trying to concieve was to have the opportunity to tell Grandpa that he was getting another Great Grandchild.

Last updated 7/4/05

Monday, January 16, 2006

Old Posts Moved

Friday, December 30, 20051st Christmas - Finally an update
Peter's 1st Christmas was a lot of fun. He loved his stocking and all of the wrapping paper. Plus he got lots of love from aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The bummer of the whole thing was that Peter got a really bad head could and cough. Driving into Portland, we drove straight to ER because he had a 103 temp. They found nothing wrong but the cold and maybe teething.
Another 1st at Christmas was his 1st feeding of Rice Cereal. He loved it!10:12 am pst

Friday, October 28, 2005Apple Cup (Sac Style) & Family visit
Today we visited Daddy at school for the Apple Cup. We got to watch all of the 6th graders try out their contraptions to bob for apples behind them. It was fun but noisy.
Yesterday, Aunt Angie, Grandma and Grandpa Felix visited us. Grandma and Grandpa even spent the night. We spent the day going to IKEA and then Dad made us a wonderful spaghetti dinner. It was fun playing with Aunt Angie and Grandpa. This morning I learned to pull on Grandpa's hair.2:48 pm pdt

Friday, October 21, 2005Computer Problems
Our hard drive died!! We lost all of our pictures from the last year except the pictures that are still on the camera. Luckily, we have not deleted any Peter pictures. If you have any pictures of our family from the past year, we would love to get copies for them. You can email them to us. Thanks for your help.4:34 pm pdt

Tuesday, October 11, 2005Sleep!
Peter finally slept last night for five and a half hours in one stretch!! We are so excited because it can mean more sleep in the future!

Peter's Weight Gain

Birth: 8lbs. 9oz. 21 inches
1 week: 8lbs. 9oz. 22 inches
3 weeks: 9lbs. 12oz.
4 weeks: 10lbs. 9.8 oz.
5 weeks: 11lbs. 9oz. 23 inches
6 weeks: 12lbs. 9oz.
7 weeks: 13lbs. 9oz.
7weeks 5 days: 14lbs.
9 weeks: 15lbs. 25 inches
10 weeks: 15lbs. 8oz.
16 weeks: 19lbs. 26.5 inches
4 montsh: 19lbs. 11oz. 27 inches

Moving From Earthlink

We just found a great deal for DSL so we are no longer going to be with Earthlink. Because of this, we will be transfering all of our Earthlink info over. Sorry if things are not in order for a bit but we will try to do it as smoothly as time permits before Earthlink shuts us out.